Broaden your horizons: the therapeutic benefits of group adventure

Therapeutic group adventures use the unknown and human interaction to get away from everyday concerns and create opportunities for learning and empowerment. When we have the opportunity to take “healthy” risks, we step out of our comfort zone and give ourselves the chance to develop new perspectives and skills: this is true for manual skills, such as learning to steer a canoe, but the beauty of it all is that simultaneously, we also develop psychological skills that can serve us in our daily lives, such as the ability to better communicate our needs.

An unforgettable experience, the benefits of therapeutic adventure are many: it helps you develop inner strength and resilience; improve self-esteem and self-awareness; bring a sense of pride and accomplishment; create bonds of friendship; get in touch with your beliefs, dreams, hopes, place in the universe; and much more!

Feel the call of adventure? Whether as a family, with a group of friends or between complete strangers, the adventure will create strong bonds, unforgettable memories and skills for life!

This service is offered in groups of similar ages, on request:

  • 12 to 17 years
  • ages 18 to 25
  • Parents (or guardians) and children (5 years and over)

Contact me to discuss your vision!