Somatic approaches
I often like to explain that we have two intelligences: our brain and our body. Our body speaks. Stress, anxiety, sadness, depression: we feel them in different ways in our bodies. Our brain informs our body and our body informs our brain. You’ve probably heard the expression “Listen to your gut feeling!” It’s a good illustration of this dance between body and brain.
When we experience stressful or even traumatic situations, our body “records” the stress. And this recording can cause us to suffer for a very long time.
Somatic approaches can help you, among other things, to develop greater awareness of your body through attention and introspection, through experiences such as conscious breathing and visualization exercises, intuitive or guided movement and mindfulness exercises.
What these varied tools have in common is that they give you the power to regulate your nervous system yourself, and this can help you put an end to your body’s suffering responses to registered stress.
Here are the options we can explore together.

Laughter yoga
Backed by science, laughter yoga is a simple path to happiness! It offers energy and relaxation. This practice, accessible in groups or alone, combines breathing and fun exercises, promoting genuine, contagious laughter. Through laughter, we can physiologically boost our well-being.
To laugh heartily is to make room for the joy of living.

Dancing mindfulness
Dancing mindfulness offers a safe, non-judgmental haven where everyone can express themselves and move freely, without the need for prior dance skills. This concentrated, caring approach is particularly suited to those who find it difficult to verbalize their suffering.
You don’t have to be a dancer to dance!

Therapeutic group adventures
Experienced as a group, the adventure offers a space to detach oneself from everyday worries, to promote learning and personal growth. This memorable experience builds inner strength, resilience and self-esteem, and forges deep interpersonal bonds.
The unknown is the perfect place to get to know yourself.